IMPACT Annual Recital
Where: The University of Central Oklahoma, Mitchell Hall Theatre
100 N University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034
When: Saturday, May 18th
Time: 10:00 am
Dress Rehearsal: Friday, May 17th at 5:30pm
Recital Fees
$150 (paid in 2 $75 installments). The new recital price will include 2 complimentary tickets per fee, 1 link to download the digital recording of the recital per family and 1 recital t-shirt per fee. The 1st $75 recital installment will be due November 1st and the 2nd installment due March 1st. Installment amounts will vary per family based on the number of students.
Families with multiple dancers will pay a discounted fee of $100 for the second and any subsequent dancer (in 2 installments of $50). This fee will include 2 additional tickets and 1 recital t-shirt per fee, but no additional link.
Note: All recital information is subject to change at any time however, we will make it a priority to keep you updated well in advance.
Recital Tickets
Additional tickets for recital are tiered starting at $15 per ticket that can be purchased by clicking the following link: Current members will receive a QR code for your complimentary tickets via email in the spring season.
Recital Costumes
IPAC does its best to keep costumes at an affordable rate for our families. We recommend budgeting $75/costume, and know that we will do our best to stay at and below that budget. A costume deposit of $60/routine is due on November 15th, which will be charged to your parent portal. Balances will be applied to your portal once IPAC receives the costumes and confirms that it fits your dancer appropriately.